3-Hour Workshop Gift Card
Z darilnim bonom si lahko prejemniki izberejo katerokoli od 3-urnih delavnic, ki jih mesečno gostimo v ateljeju na Vilharjevi cesti 3 v Ljubljani. Sodelovanje na delavnicah ne zahteva nikakršnega predznanja ali izkušenj, niti posebnega orodja in materiala.
Ob nakupu bona prosim sporočite ime in email naslov obdarovanca/ke na email naslov info@hana-karim.com, da bo le-ta samodejno obveščen o prihajajočih delavnicah.
Bon lahko prejmete na email v digitalni obliki, ga prevzamete na v ateljeju na Vilharjevi 3 ali pa ga prejmete po pošti.
Veljavnost darilnega bona je 1 leto.
Ob nakupu dveh ali več bonov prejmete 15% avtomatski popust.
V ceni bona je že vštet 22% DDV.
Cena bona vključuje:
- 3-urno delavnico po lastni izbiri s profesionalnim mentorstvom v ateljeju Hane Karim
- glino, barve, orodje in pripomočke
- dve žganji izdelkov s končnim glaziranjem v ateljeju Hane Karim
- set unikatnih uporabnih izdelkov, ki jih prevzamete v ateljeju ali prejmete po pošti v roku enega meseca po zaključku delavnice
Looking for a perfect gift for someone special? How about gifting them an experience to remember! With this Workshop Gift Card, they will be able to join me in Hana Karim Studio and participate in one of the upcoming 3-hour workshops of their own choosing.
Every month, my studio hosts several different workshops, each of them designed around a special theme from making extra-relaxing pinch cups to creating large bowls for fruits and salads. All workshops are suitable for everyone and do not require any previous experience. All the necessary materials and tools are available at the workshop.
I wish to create a special experience for every participant, therefore these events are always hosted in smaller groups of no more than 10 people. They are usually hosted at my Studio at Vilharjeva cesta 3 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, sometimes we're taking them out on the town, to a nice Café or even beautiful locations outside Ljubljana.
To check the upcoming workshop dates, click here.
The voucher can be used in maximum 1 year after receipt.
15% automatic discount if you buy more than one.
All prices include tax.
Eco-Friendly Packaging: Shipped in sustainable, plastic-free materials.
Worldwide Express Shipping: Fast delivery wherever you are.
Dishwasher Safe: Built for everyday convenience.
Microwave & Oven Safe: Withstands heat up to 200°C.
Certified Non-Toxic: Made with food-safe, non-toxic glazes.
VAT info: Prices include VAT for EU customers; however, customs duties may be charged upon delivery for customers outside the EU.
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